Today is: Thursday, 21 November 2024r.
News Weather in Ustronie Morskie Thursday, 21 November 2024r.
overcast clouds
3 °C
Min: 3°C Max: 3°C Sunrise: 07:37Sunset: 15:48
Wind: 39.2 km/h WSW
Humidity: 74 %Pressure: 994 hPa
Forecast for next 3 days Fri, 22.11.2024
broken clouds
1 °C
Min: 2°C Max: 1°C Pressure: 1000 hPa
Wind: 19.2 km/h SSW
Sat, 23.11.2024
light rain
5 °C
Min: 4°C Max: 3°C Pressure: 1017 hPa
Wind: 38.3 km/h W
Sun, 24.11.2024
light rain
5 °C
Min: 5°C Max: 5°C Pressure: 1014 hPa
Wind: 26.4 km/h S
IMPORTANT!: Very often national forecasts do not coincide with the actual weather in the coastal towns. Coast is often a kind of boundary weather, like the tops of high mountains.
It happens often that the messages about total cloud cover and precipitation over the sea does not correspond to reality.
Television forecast for the west coast generally relate to Szczecin, which is located about 65 km from the open sea. Meanwhile, thezone includes the coastal microclimate just a few kilometers coastalbelt.
That is why it is always worth to check the current wether in webcam >> Ustronie Morskie Webcam"